January 19, 2010

Update - Tuesday

We have been working with our partners in the States and on the ground in Haiti to negotiate the logistical nightmare that exists in trying to get aid to the people of Haiti. Here is a snapshot of what we're working through: Find an open port in Haiti, organize an acceptable drop point with a trusted recipient, find a way to get materials off the boat, then onto a truck, to get to the partners who desperately need it. Then factor in that fuel is scarce and being sold on the black market for $150 a gallon. So once on shore, just getting it to our partners locations poses major problems. Not to mention corruption and other issues. Basically, this effort would have been difficult before the earthquake and since the quake, all the issues are expounded.

All of that to say we will need your physical help, but we don't have details for you quite yet. Please hang in there. We still plan to have volunteers at the warehouse this Saturday, but stay tuned for updates.

If you want to help right now, please make a financial donation. One thing is for sure, getting the needed supplies to our Haitian partners will require money. Thank you for joining us in this effort.